
Breakaway glass, whether in sheet form or as an object such as a bottle or drinking glass or cup shape is extremely fragile and can break easily

  1. in transport
  2. by mishandling
  3. due to extreme weather conditions
  4. inappropriate storage

Smash Effects have packaged your breakaway glass to ASSIST with easy transport, storage and removal from its packaging. Smash Effects cannot guarantee that your product will be delivered without breakage, splitting, cracking or melting.

By signing this agreement, you accept that as soon as the product is removed from the premises (Building 43, The Conrad Rothmann Building, Fox Studios Australia) Smash Effects (Russell Barker) is no longer responsible for breakage, splitting, cracking or general damage to the product unless otherwise agreed to with the production company or authorised production personnel.

Before signing this form, please check that the product that you have ordered is correct and in good condition before removing. Please feel free to ask advice on manoeuvring or carrying the product if you are unsure.